Monday, February 18, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013


[brony_stuff] ER MAH GERD ALICERNS! [/brony_stuff]

So today I was walking down the street with some old guy following me, every once and a while he would announce  "Fu*k It's Cold!" He could become a Weatherman.
Weather On the Fives!
10:00- "F*ck It's Cold!
10:05- "Cold As Tits!"
10:10- "Sh*t! It's F*cking Cold out!"

Also, don't text and Drive. Just because the peace officer does it, that doesn't allow you to.
*This Post is brought to you by Irony*

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Valentines day is only one day away, and guess what that means! 

Nothing. It means nothing.

Maybe because I don't have a date, maybe it's because I hate people talking about their stuff, I don't know. I'll never know why I don't like the day. Because if i had a date, I hate spending the money on cheesy stuff, and I hate the lack of creativity I have to make any thing. 

My life is sad.

Well, I'm going to be depressed tomorrow. If you wish to say Hi, I'll be under my little rain cloud.#GodISoundEmo

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

It's past midnight!

Ingesting a Monster Before trying to go to bed is a bad idea if sleep is your goal. So what do you do when your lying on your back waiting for the Caffeine to ware off? 

Write a blog Post, That's What. Or Watch 11 Episodes of Full Metal Alchemist in a row. Or both.

So bored...


I Hate humans.
Or maybe i just hate the weather. 
No, actually, I hate both.

When the weather Gets as bad as it has been, People get stupid. For instance, It rained early yesterday morning, Making it nice and slick. Of course, no one has the time to salt their walks, so everyone is just slipping on their asses. Okay, so what?

It then starts snowing dumping snow. Now everybody has time to Just salt. Now everybody is trudging through puddles of slush and getting soaked. and to make thing even more fantastic, People can't drive anymore. Have you ever been splashed by a short bus? I have never felt lower in my life.

So anyways, Happy time. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Social (Media) Life

Now I'm on twitter. @Iced_Matcha.
[X} Twitter
[} People with lives

I should Really get on that last one. Oh well, I can do it later, I guess. I Mean, I Have Plenty Of other Thing To Do!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Creative Drain

You ever Have an Idea? Like A Really Awesome idea that you can vividly see coming into action? Have you tried putting that idea on a piece of paper, then realizing it sounds fucking stupid?
Well That's what going on in my head, and with music. It all sounds bad, And I feel bad. oh well, I'll figure it out.
Song of day: Voodoo Child-Jimi Hendrix.

Natural PMS

Good (Insert Time Dependent on Region)!

Well, at least to you, I hope. If it was a tad 50 degrees warmer, I'd be happy as a clam. But I don't exactly care for what mother nature is throwing at us. First 52 and rainy, now 15 (feels like -1) and Snowy? Mother Nature, get your sh*t together.

In other news, Don't do drugs, You'll end up like this.
Fu*king Cereal...